A diary of the self-absorbed...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Censoring America's Best Jokes

The Obama administration has made it painstakingly obvious that they're content to embattle Fox News with little regard for any outcomes that might arise from it. Certainly this activity is backfiring and will continue to backfire as the administration generates a martyr syndrome among American conservatives, who quite frankly need be given no more opportunities to point at their wounds.

Reasonable people see through Fox News. Extremely reasonable people see through all news, regardless of the network. Reasonable people with a lick of talent and motivation read source documents on all their news. Make no mistake, Fox is anything but "Fair and Balanced."

But then again, there's not much out there that is when it comes to politics, religion, and social issues. America is shrouded in idiocy, a long and lingering hangover from the 60's and 70's when we emphatically decided we'd toss balance out the window and polarize ourselves as a nation.

We're now a nation with a crazy bunch of microphone hogs on both the Left and the Right. Politics have never been more of a joke than they've been these last ten years. From "dangling chads" to disguised pimps with hidden video cams in ACORN offices, one gets the feeling that our so called "news" exists more for entertainment than anything else these days.

The real problem comes when you have one group of people (namely the free speechers on the Left) who've decided one set of jokes just isn't funny anymore. From the Fairness Doctrine to this week's FCC ruling on Internet blogs to the recent snafu on excluding Fox News from an interview they had arranged, these Free-Speechers are hell bent on telling us when, where, and how we ought to laugh.

These self-proclaimed champions of liberty are all about any speech that agrees with them and their warm-fuzzy picture of the future (which ironically can be obtained as young people were advised last week, with a unique blending of Mao and Mother Teresea's tenacity). And speaking of "Fair and Balanced," were it not for Fox News then Anita Dunn's ill-placed comments would have fallen away largely unrecognized by the public. Even Dunn admits it was an ill-conceived attempt at breaking the ice as she spent nearly three minutes of a speech to high school students heaping praise on perhaps the most notorious mass murderer in human history.

If it wasn't so sad, it would be funny. But Dunn didn't admit she'd made a mistake until after Fox News brought it up, and more importantly, until after she'd fully bashed them for doing it. So yeah, Fox caught the joke. Spreading the joke and contextualizing it wasn't funny though.

Leave it to government to tell us when to laugh. The Obama adminstration's assualt on Fox News is only an attempt to make the mockery that is American politics appear less funny. And that 60% of us in the middle really do enjoy laughing at the 20% of you on either extreme, so please let us have our fun. Stop censoring America's best jokes.

Like did you hear the one about the Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee who steers discourse on tax laws -- and how he hasn't been paying his own taxes?

Or how about the one where the President of the National Association of Evangelicals got caught paying for man to man sexual acts after building his career preaching against homosexuality?

Of course I just shared the one about the White House Communication Director who communicated rather eloquently (to a group of American teenagers no less) the upside of a dictatorship which forced starving families to trade their children with each other because they couldn't bear to cannibalize their own offspring.

Please, I'll be here all week.

That is of course unless our President decides to wage a war of censorship on me too.

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